I was working in the basement of Relish, on a computer. It was a commercial space, extended from an underground mall. As I was working on the Metrolinx commercial for Shiv, Sarah Slocum came in with her coffee and notepad.
Surprised to see her as she came up to my desk, I stood and gave her a hug as I asked if she was still managing the photo studio.
"Yes and no" she said.
I was busy, and after a little small talk she headed out the door back to the mall. I asked what was up. Then she started to cry. She was pregnant.
I consoled her, told her about other friends having babies, and said that I thought she was ready. We embraced, and I didn't let go. She cried hard and she thanked me for really listening to her.
As we talked about the situation, we moved from the cafeteria to the 20th story balcony of my old apartment. We spooned on the futon that over looked the city at night. We kept talking but I became aware of my sudden fear of heights and knew we weren't secure in our positions. I imagined the building collapsing forward, and us rolling off the futon to the street far below.
We both said "We're falling" even though that was obvious, and then I snapped out of it.
As a skinny black woman I was carrying a large piece of ply wood awkwardly down the hall of my high school. I stepped out to the back field and I told myself to carry the board on my head. When I do, it practically disappears.
I balance it while singing Fiona Apple "Love Ridden" pretty off key. I'm heading to the tech wing on the far side of the school. It started as a winter night, frozen under snow. A red lumina being driven by an older black woman pulled into a parking spot above the slope of the field. She slides and almost sideswipes the tail of another car while plummeting down the hill, but she doesn't.
I kept walking and it turned to a spring day, gray and raining.
When I got around the corner by climbing through a tree, I thought my singing sounded better. I walked to the garage doors and noticed a dog and his walker were following me. I threw crab apples at them and told them to get away.
In the medical bay at the starbase, we surrounded a fellow wounded officer laying out on the operating table. We were consulting about which doctors could do it. We could ask any doctor in the galaxy and they would perform the surgery through a holographic interface. Captain Picard was there and he was doing most of the talking.
From above, this medical bay was surrounded by a balcony with other angry alien onlookers. Most were Talaxian and enraged at us for letting some of them die.
We wrapped up a conversation with a doctor who wasn't willing to do the procedure when Picard called Doctor Pulaski. She showed up holographically much older than I remember her and while Picard brought her up to speed I stepped out.
I watched a documentary commercial in my dream last night about a super model woman who was bought and left to defend an island estate. From above you could see the busy Venetian harbor all around a perfect island.
This woman, with long brown hair that always floated with the wind was fine with retiring as this defendess. She was happy to do her master proud and supernaturally protected the island with small wrinkles showing around her eyes.
One day the news depicted a story of the Venetian Defendess. She was being brought up on charges. She had accidentally killed one of three large white whales that annually visited Venice. As a result, the pirana population boomed and nobody could swim anymore. When arrested all she said was she still loved her job.
Sitting in a booth with a few individuals, we were waiting to eat a late supper at a friends house. There was a jovial atmosphere to the house. Familiar people dotted all about and I felt comfortable.
Until a woman at the party got agitated.
She was complaining of an illness and flopping about rather abruptly, people around began to notice her affliction. I stood up and while others rushed forward to support her, she proclaimed she was pregnant.
I touched her forehead and told her it would be fine. "I have the antidote, I'll be right back." I said and she fainted to the floor.
I left the room and headed with urgency down the hall to the back. I needed to find Matt. He had what I needed and it all revolved around getting the keys to his car.
Once out of the house through the backside top deck, I went down the stairs to find a scene by the backyard pool. I had found Matt, be he was played by Devin Pugsley, and he was with all his siblings at the pool. They were playing a game where they would lock arms back to back and try to throw each other into the pool. Devin's younger sister Laura had lifted him off his feet, and he dangled head first over the water. Their weight threw them off balance and they both fell into the pool. Devin's two other brothers were doing the same thing. I told Brent to watch his head before they both fell in head first. Brent came up holding his head and I asked if he hit it, but he said no. A dog was swimming in the pool too.
I asked Devin for his keys, and told him what was happening in the house. He smiled and reached into his swim short pockets grinning. He wasn't coming with me but he gave me the keys. I thanked him and left through the side alley gate that was wooden and covered in vines. The dog followed me.
I woke up to the sound of a person stomping down the hall of my poorly built house. The floors shook while the frames on the wall trembled under the weight of a person I lived with. They were going upstairs. I went to the kitchen, only lit by the sunlight above the sink, to find an awful mess. Pizza boxes, with frozen pizzas strung about the counter, little frozen pieces of graded cheese dotting the floor and tables. Scrunched plastic wrap, half empty glasses, cutting boards with organic waste. All after I had deep cleaned.
I woke up late for work and I ran to get into the shower. Ben was at the door trying to tell me something but I rushed past. I ripped open the curtain and jumped into the tub to find Michelle standing under the running water. She was wearing a towel but her right breast was exposed. I looked at the brown nipple and demanded she get out. She did.