It felt so good to be on a starship again, even if I was just visiting. My friend Ryan Ferko had received a posting aboard and I was hitching a ride to someplace close by.
Not seeing Ryan for a long time, we had some drinks and a conversation while he showed me around the living decks. Most of the crew were at their stations, leaving the hallways empty.
The ship was small, only 4 decks and long enough for me to see end to end from the centre of the corridor. Out the window, I watched old school desk chairs floating in space, and the glow of planets further beyond.
When I got to my room, Ryan had to go. He lit his cigarette and climbed down a latter towards the engine room.

Smoking in Space ... ?
ReplyDeleted'ya mean all anachronistic and retro like Alien (1979), or d'ya mean to make them space pirates who don't gaf?