Monday, November 8, 2010

So much produce!

I was upset about being back home. Every time I would venture there I would feel less and less in touch with it. This time, it was the worst. I had never felt so alien in my life, like I didn't belong. When I told my mother about these feelings, it started a confrontation that ended with me storming out of the house.

I ran down the front steps and into the garage. It smelled of gasoline but I didn't care. Crying I slammed the door behind me and curled into a ball on the cement floor. My father came in after me, and attempted to console me. I screamed at him to leave me alone. He did.

After some time I crawled out a hole at the back of the garage, I fit through even though it was no bigger than a mouse. By now evening had come, and a cool summer feel was in the air. I decided to walk around the property to try and reconnect with the surroundings that had nurtured me so much as a child.

As I went to the back, I saw that my parents had turned the land into an enormous garden. A two and three story wooden structure that grew vegetables, many of which I had never seen. Giant melons, vines, huge pumpkins, zucchinis and bright peppers everywhere. This garden took up the entire yard. I climbed to the top and walked around it's edge. I peered over to the neighbors yard and they had built a similar structure although it was not as grand and plentiful as my parents garden.

I decided that I was going to pick some of these vegetables and bring them back to Toronto with me. I would have so much produce! As I tiptoed like a cat on the edge, I noticed an opening in the third level garden about midway. I looked out and saw my house. I felt stuck, unable to move down the latter, afraid I might fall.

When the next day came I took Adam, we got into the car and left without saying goodbye. The car loaded with vegetables. As we drove north, Adam turned to me and said he needed to go to Baltimore. He had become Tina Fey. I said to him that I would drive him to the border and he could take the bus.

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